Emotional Release Technique

Rewire to wellness is a part of Sho-Tai that focuses more on the mind and rewiring its neural pathways to think and feel more positive. This includes

1) why you think the way you do

2) how to let go of negative thinking

3) emotional release therapy and Nervous System Reset

4) Proper diet and nutritional support for the Gut Brain Connection

The brain is made up of neuroplasticity which is such a blessing. This means, every single night we go to bed and wake up in the morning we have a different brain. The brain is constantly changing and rewiring its self with neural pathways to try and create the life we “think” we want. Our body is constantly listening to what our thoughts and brain is saying and unfortunately it’s usually not positive. We talk a lot of words daily even speak hundreds of positive phrases to ourselves but we then mutter in our mind hundreds of thousands of negative ones, and that is what our body and life is responding to.

By working on what your daily thought patterns and routines, along with emotional release therapy and Nervous System Reset therapy we can help you get out of the negative routine of “ I don’t think I can” to “ I know I can.” It all starts in your mind…. and the Gut! This is known as the Gut Brain Connection.

What is the Gut Brain Connection? ( GBC)

The gut-brain axis (GBA) consists of bidirectional communication between the central and the enteric nervous system, linking emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. Recent advances in research have described the importance of gut microbiota in influencing these interactions. You’re brain is only as healthy as the bacteria in your gut!